Sunday, December 22, 2019

Outline Of A Social Awareness - 1691 Words

Social awareness Essay Sights that will help with grammer and any type of errors : Topic: Autism Introduction Attention getter: Autism affects every 1 in 68 children; It is one of the fastest growing developmental disorders in the u.s (Facts about Autism. Autism Speaks. N.p., n.d. Web. 11 Mar. 2016. Minor details about the issue Autism FAQ - History. Autism FAQ - History. N.p., n.d. Web. 11 Mar. 2016. . history Thesis: BodyX3 Topic sentence: The definition/ characteristic Autism Characteristics. List of Autism Characteristics. N.p., n.d. Web. 11 Mar. 2016. . Featured Conferences. Welcome to Temple Grandin s Official Autism Website. N.p., n.d. Web. 11 Mar. 2016. . Spectrem/†¦show more content†¦Each autistic child was somewhere on the autistic spectrum; each child with autism has different characteristics, but extremely similar symptoms; and each child, if diagnosed early, has a chance at a semi-normal life. if they go through the proper treatments at a young age. This will be exposing the characteristics, the spectrum and the treatments of autism. Autism is known as a mental disability due to difficulty in communicating and forming other relationships with other people, this is one of the major characteristics of autism. Autism original meaning ment ‘to escape from reality’ (Autism FAQ). Many people believed that autistic children were, infact, attempting to escape reality. It was also first discovered officially by Leo Kanner, who published his first paper Identifying children with autism in 1943 (Autism FAQ). Autistic children at that time were believed to be emotionally disturbed or ‘retarded.’ What they did not understand however, is that there was a widened range of different types of autism and different characteristics. Here is an example of when Amy and Dan McGillivray were asked about their child s characteristics and how it affected them. †Our daughter did not like to play with other children, she prefered to be in her room, She was unable to speak until she was the age of 4, an d she did not play with toys as a normal child would. Instead she would line them up by their

Friday, December 13, 2019

Role of Youth in Eradicating Corruption Free Essays

string(70) " lets in laser light just as well and remains unaffected by the beam\." Laser and its medical applications Presented by S. vignesh J. sabastian The Advent of the â€Å"Laser Scalpel† Early experimenters with medical lasers pointed out that there are surgical operations that are difficult to perform with the conventional scalpel and that a laser beam might be used instead. We will write a custom essay sample on Role of Youth in Eradicating Corruption or any similar topic only for you Order Now Initial trials showed that a finely focused beam from a carbon dioxide gas laser could cut through human tissue easily and neatly. The surgeon could direct the beam from any angle by using a mirror mounted on a movable metal arm. Several advantages of laser surgery quickly became apparent. First, the light beam is consistent, which means that it gives off the same amount of energy from In this photo taken during open-heart surgery, a doctor uses a laser probe to punch small holes in the patient’s heart muscle to increase the organ’s blood flow. one second to the next. So as long as the beam is moving along, the cut it makes (the incision) does not vary in depth; whereas when using a scalpel a doctor can accidentally make part of the incision too deep. A second advantage of the surgical laser is that the hot beam cauterizes, or seals off, the open blood vessels as it moves along. This works well mainly for small vessels, such as those in the skin. The doctor still has to seal off the larger blood vessels using conventional methods. ) Still another advantage is that the cells in human tissue do not conduct heat very well, so the skin or any other tissue near the laser incision does not get very hot and is not affected by the beam. This advantage of laser su rgery is very helpful when a doctor must operate on a tiny area that is surrounded by healthy tissue or organs. It should be pointed out that the â€Å"laser scalpel† is not necessarily the best tool to use in every operation. Some doctors feel that while the laser is useful in some situations, it will never totally replace the scalpel. Others are more optimistic and see a day when more advanced lasers will make the scalpel a thing of the past. The second of these views may prove to be the most accurate, for surgical use of lasers is rapidly advancing. At first, lasers were considered most effective in operating on areas that are easy to reach—areas on the body’s exterior, including the skin, mouth, nose, ears, and eyes. But in recent years doctors have demonstrated remarkable progress in developing laser techniques for use in internal exploration and surgery. Of course, in order to be able to direct the laser beam the doctor must be able to see inside the body. In some cases this is a simple matter of making an incision and opening up the area to be operated on. But there are situations in which this step can be avoided. Cleaning Arteries with Light For instance, lasers are increasingly used to clean plaque from people’s arteries. Plaque is a tough fatty substance that can build up on the inside walls of the arteries. Eventually the vessels can get so clogged that blood does not flow normally, and the result can be a heart attack or stroke, both of which are serious and sometimes fatal. The traditional method for removing the plaque involves opening the chest and making several incisions, a long and sometimes risky operation. It is also expensive and requires weeks for recovery. An effective alternative is to use a laser beam to burn away the plaque. The key to making this work is the doctor’s ability to see inside the artery and direct the beam, another area in which fiber optics and lasers are combined into a modern wonder tool. An optic fiber that has been connected to a tiny television camera can be inserted into an artery. These elements now become a miniature sensor that allows the doctor and nurses to see inside the artery while a second fiber is inserted to carry the bursts of light that will burn away the plaque. The technique works in the following way. The fiber-optic array is inserted into a blood vessel in an arm or leg and moved slowly into the area of the heart and blocked arteries. When the array is in place the laser is fired and the plaque destroyed, and then the exhaust vapors are sucked back through a tiny hollow tube that is inserted along with the optical fibers. When the artery has been cleaned out the doctor removes the fibers and tube, and the operation is finished. This medical process is known as laser angioplasty. It has several obvious advantages. First, no incision is needed (except for the small one in the vessel to insert the fibers). There is also little or no bleeding, and the patient can enjoy total recovery in a day or two. Laser angioplasty does have some potential risks that must be considered. First, when the laser beam fires at the plaque it must be aimed very carefully ecause a slight miss could cut through the wall of the artery and cause serious bleeding. The patient’s chest would then have to be opened up after all. Another problem involves small pieces of burnt debris from the Surgeons use a tiny laser to cut away tissue in a gallbladder operation. The laser and a tiny camera are inserted into the navel, so no abdominal incision is necessary. . Lasers Heal and Reshape the Eyes Some of the most remarkable breakthr oughs for medical lasers have been in the area of ophthalmology, the study of the structure and diseases of the eye. One reason that laser beams are so useful in treating the eye is that the cornea, the coating that covers the eyeball and admits light into the interior of the eye, is transparent. Since it is designed to admit ordinary light, the cornea lets in laser light just as well and remains unaffected by the beam. You read "Role of Youth in Eradicating Corruption" in category "Essay examples" First, the laser is very useful in removing extraneous blood vessels that can form on the retina—the thin, light-sensitive membrane at the back of the eyeball. It is on the retina that the images of the things the eye sees are formed. Damage to the retina can sometimes cause blindness. The laser most often used in the treatment of this condition is powered by a medium of argon gas. The doctor aims the beam through the cornea and burns away the tangle of blood vessels covering the retina. The procedure takes only a few minutes and can be done in the doctor’s office. The laser can also repair a detached retina—one that has broken loose from the rear part of the eyeball. Before the advent of lasers detached retinas had to be repaired by hand, and because the retina is so delicate this was a very difficult operation to perform. Using the argon laser, the doctor can actually â€Å"weld† the torn retina back in place. It is perhaps a strange coincidence that Gordon Gould, one of the original inventors of the laser, later had one of his own retinas repaired this way. Another condition that affects the eye is glaucoma, which is characterized by the buildup of fluid in the eye. Normally the eye’s natural fluids drain away a little at a time, and the eye stays healthy. In eyes impaired with glaucoma the fluid does not drain properly, and the buildup affects vision; blindness can sometimes result. In some cases drugs can be used to treat glaucoma. If the drugs fail, however, many doctors now turn to the laser to avoid onventional surgery. The laser punches a hole in a preplanned spot and the fluid drains out through the hole. Again, the treatment can be performed in a doctor’s office instead of a hospital. Using Lasers for Eye Surgery The laser works like a sewing machine to repair a detached retina, the membrane that lines the interior of the eye. The laser beam is adjusted so that it ca n pass harmlessly through the lens and focus on tiny spots around the damaged area of the retina. When it is focused, the beam has the intensity to â€Å"weld† or seal the detached area of the retina back against the wall of the eyeball. The patient’s eyeglass prescription is literally carved inside the cornea with the beam of an excimer laser [a laser device that produces pulses of ultraviolet, or UV, light]. A small flap of the cornea is first removed with a precision knife . . . and an A patient undergoes eye surgery performed by a laser beam. In addition to treating detached retinas, lasers can remove cataracts. inner portion of the cornea is exposed to the excimer laser. After the prescription is carved, the corneal flap that was opened is then put back into place over the ablated [surgically altered] cornea. 6 LASIK does not come without risks. The changes it makes in the cornea are permanent, and the danger of unexpected damage is ever present. However, the procedure has become increasingly popular each year; about a million Americans had it done in the year 2000, and about four thousand surgeons in the United States were trained to perform it. Some Cosmetic Uses of Lasers Medical lasers are also widely used for various types of cosmetic surgery, including the removal of certain kinds of birthmarks. Port-wine stains, reddish purple skin blotches that appear on about three out of every one thousand children, are an example. Such stains can mark any part of the body but are most commonly found on the face and neck. The medical laser is able to remove a port-wine stain for the same reason that a military laser is able to flash a message to a submerged submarine. Both lasers take advantage of the monochromatic quality of laser light, that is, its ability to shine in one specific color. The stain is made up of thousands of tiny malformed blood vessels that have a definite reddish purple color. This color very strongly absorbs a certain shade of green light. In fact, that is why the stain looks red. It absorbs the green and other colors in white light but reflects the red back to people’s eyes. To treat the stain, the doctor runs a wide low-power beam of green light across the discolored area. The mass of blood vessels in the stain absorbs the energetic laser light and becomes so hot that it is actually burned away. The surrounding skin is a different color than the stain, so that skin absorbs only small amounts of the beam and remains unburned. (Of course, the burned A doctor uses an argon laser to remove a port-wine stain, a kind of birthmark. Unwanted tissue is burned away while normal skin remains undamaged. areas must heal, and during this process some minor scarring sometimes occurs. ) Laser-Assisted Dentistry Dentistry is another branch of medicine that has benefited tremendously from laser technology. Indeed, lasers have made some people stop dreading a visit to the dentist. No one enjoys having a cavity drilled, of course. It usually requires an anesthetic (a painkiller like novocaine) that causes uncomfortable numbness in the mouth; also, the sound of the drill can be irritating or even sickening to some people. Many dentists now employ an Nd-YAG laser (which uses a crystal for its lasing medium) instead of a drill for most cavities. The laser treatment takes advantage of the simple fact that the material that forms in a cavity is much softer than the enamel (the hard part of a tooth). The laser is set at a power that is just strong enough to eliminate the decayed tissue but not strong enough to harm the enamel. When treating a very deep cavity bleeding sometimes occurs, and the laser beam often seals off blood vessels and stops the bleeding. The most often asked question about treating cavities with lasers is: Does it hurt? The answer is no. Each burst of laser light from a dental laser lasts only thirty-trillionths of a second, much faster than the amount of time a nerve takes to trigger pain. In other words, the beam would have to last 100 million times longer in order to cause any discomfort. So this sort of treatment requires no anesthetic. Advantages of Lasers for Dental Surgery In this excerpt from an article in The Dental Clinics of North America Robert A. Strauss of the Medical College of Virginia mentions some of the advantages of using lasers for oral surgery. Decreased post-operative swelling is characteristic of laser use [for oral surgery]. Decreased swelling allows for increased safety when performing surgery within the airway [the mouth] . . . and increases the range of surgery that oral surgeons can perform safely without fear of airway compromise. This effect allows the surgeon to perform many procedures in an office or outpatient facility that previously would have required hospitalization. . . . Tissue healing and scarring are also improved with the use of the laser. . . . Laser wounds generally heal with minimal scar formation and . . . often can be left unsutured [without stitches], another distinct advantage. Thus the role of laser in medical field is most predominant. How to cite Role of Youth in Eradicating Corruption, Essay examples

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Importance of Technology free essay sample

Transcript 1= luv u 4 ever 🙂 †¢ Transcript 2= u r 2 sweet 2 b 4got10 can u cum c me face2face †¢ Transcript 3= I h8 u!!! †¢ Transcript 4= Jake ur bag is pukka †¢ Transcript 5=iv been chatin with my penpal all day †¢ Transcript 6= how ya doin! †¢ Transcript 7=Jake-â€Å"r ur headphones good† Demal-â€Å"yh their awesome FYI they where only $5. 99 Ali Nasir10BMR. Wotson Introduction †¢ One of the forms of multimodal talk is texting †¢ Texting has captivated a whole generation of young people †¢ Texting has become universal, it is practiced all over the world †¢ Texting is done from mobile to mobile, by sending the text to the mobile number. It can also be sent to many at the same time †¢ Texting is thought to be mostly used by the young people and teenagers †¢ The older generations feel that texting has taken the ability of writing and correct spelling to zero, they deplore what texting has done to the English language †¢ Texting is also done as a means of advertising †¢ Large companies text to anyone they can †¢ Doctor surgeries and even schools like the one I study at also use texting to inform patients and parents relative information. †¢ The language of texting has advanced so much since it had started †¢ There are so many ways to text to each other Paragraph 1 †¢ People have found innovative ways of texting with using rebus abbreviation, this is where a name or a word is represented by a picture or pictures suggesting its syllables †¢ They are like puzzles †¢ Punctuation marks and brackets are used to show emotions. We can see this in transcript 1. 🙂 seen upright they mean nothing but look at them sideways and it is a smiling face †¢ Other symbols and numbers are used like , @, 4, 8. Paragraph 2 †¢ The use of abbreviated and shortened forms of words saves time in texting and also shortens texts to keep mobile bills at a minimum, as seen in transcript 2. People are so fast at texting in abbreviations that the mind boggles at the speed of their thumbs †¢ There is efficiency in the way letters are used, and texters shorten words to a minimum. Paragraph 3 †¢ Inotation is defined as the tone or pitch of the voice in speaking or the way a person is speaking like conveying anger, liveliness, being shy. †¢ Inotation cannot really be well conveyed in texting. †¢ The messages loose the true meaning of the sender like shown in transcript 3. †¢ Sometimes miscommunication happens and feelings are hurt. †¢ It is hard to explain what you are really feeling through texting. When we communicate body language and tone of voice play an important role. †¢ When we try intonating in a text the other person may read something different in the explanation marks you have sent. †¢ Sometimes Imitation in the text can read a double meaning. Paragraph 4 †¢ The use of non standard words in the texting world has become so popular that almost everyone who texts knows the meanings of the abbreviated words. †¢ Also dialect of different places is making its way into texting. †¢ Like we see words such as lush or mint being used in other regions of England. For example in Manchester â€Å"mint† means really good and â€Å"mardy† means moody , in whales â€Å"lush† means very nice and in London â€Å"pukka† means very good. †¢ We see their uses in transcript 4. †¢ The use of slang in texting has also found a place in texting. †¢ To a person who dose not text, the language use must seem foreign. Paragraph 5 †¢ In non standard words a new form of communication has emerged. †¢ For example a text pal is a person that you never talk to or see, but you ju7st text to like a pen pal. Another example is saying things like â€Å"text of the devil† a version of speak of the devil. The way we would use these new words can be seen in transcript 5. †¢ A whole new dictionary would have to written just to accommodate all the new words that have sprung up in this new texting age. Paragraph 6 †¢ The use of incomplete sentences or the use of phrases instead of using the proper grammatical sentences is common in texting, †¢ When you use incomplete sentences you fail to express the total meaning. †¢ Shortening of sentence or use of phrases is fine while texting because of maybe, the lack of time or space texting like in transcript 6. †¢ Phrases also are a part of this new language and most teenagers will know hundreds of them. It is like a second language for them. †¢ These are a few popular phrases in texting; BFF (best friends forever), FYI (for your information), IDC (I don’t care), JC (just chilling), GAL (get a life). †¢ We can see how to use a phrase in transcript 7. Paragraph 7 †¢ I think one of the similarities between texting and speech is that we text the way we speak. †¢ We text the words the way they sound, not like the way they are spelt in the dictionary. †¢ We text phonetically. †¢ Spelling goes out of the window. †¢ The content of the text that is written is a different matter. We see that many words are taken out of the sentences to mak e them shorter and if we read these shortened text messages out loud we would sound like cavemen in cartoons or like Tarzan saying,† me Tarzan, you Jane. †¢ Even I say to my mum SOZ (sorry), LOL (laugh out loud) and CBA (can’t be asked). †¢ My mum is always shouting at me to speak proper English Paragraph 8 †¢ When it comes to actual writing students are using text language instead of proper English in their studies †¢ This is creating problems in our schools, colleges and the workplace †¢ Texting is a distraction and stops you from paying attention to what is happening around you. Students are found texting in classes instead of paying attention of what is happening in the classroom. †¢ Texting has its negatives but it also has its positives. †¢ It keeps people connected to each other. †¢ Testers are always updating each other of what is going on there and then. †¢ Sometimes it is better to quietly text than to talk in a public place and disturb others. †¢ For every new technology there will always be positives and negatives. †¢ I think there is always a middle way in which we can use texting and not go to the extreme.